Sunday, July 29, 2012

A Little Writing

I ddi a nice little chunk of writing yesterday, in a notebook. I want to try writing in notebooks more often not only because I have far too many of them, but also because I think it helps me think better. That way it also gets a short round of editing when I type it into the computer. I've been tossing around a new story idea that I wrote a little bit for. The only problem is I vaaaguely remember an Eva Ibbotson book from my childhood having a similar, but far from identical plot. I only ever read it once and wound up getting rid of it because I didn't like it very much, but now I'm almost afraid to look it up to check it out.  I LIKE this idea. :P

Daily Total: 617

Friday, June 1, 2012

Day 1

It's the first day of June camp nano 2012, and I've met my word count. :) I'm not going to be going to bed for a while, though and I'm going to try to get some more words in before I sleep. This is going to be a very busy month, and I need all the extra words I can steal.

Total word count for day 1: 1,709.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


When I get a new Cabin in Camp Nano, I always like to go and check out the web page/blog of my cabin mates. Perhaps some of you guys will do that as well? I'm afraid I'm a dreadfully inconsistent blogger, and there's not much here for you to see. But maybe something in one of the who 12 or 13 posts on here will interest you. :)

Monday, May 21, 2012


The last couple days I've been looking at these lists of questions that somebody posted on the Nano forums:

 I always find it really interesting to look at different ways or organizing information, since I like trying to get an idea pretty well nailed down. I'm not much of a fly-by-the-seat of your pants writer unless I'm writing short fiction. Like, flash fiction short.

 The complications questions especially I've found useful for trying to flesh out my June camp plot pretty quickly-- I think some of them really get to the heart of the matter, like "what is your character's secret inner problem that will be solve by the blah blah blah". I will probably also try these questions on my older story, too, since there are still a lot of elements about that I don't feel were ever properly developed.

Friday, May 18, 2012

My goodness, haven't messed with this in a while. We're sneaking up on the next round of Camp Nano this July. It's a busy month for me (so is August :<), but I really want to try to get SOMETHING done. I'd like to make it to at least a half-nano, so I guess my official goal is 25000 words.(Which I guess isn't that much of a reprieve since I'll only be home for half the month) I have a trip in July and a lot of things to do before then, but here's hoping I'll make some real progress on those things and be able to do some writing. And I might make myself a new ticker, because I like tickers. :P

Monday, July 11, 2011

Reading List

Just so I don't forget, I'm going to whip up a quick list of the things I've been reading this summer.

The Stone of Farewell - Good, can't find the next one :/

Hunger Games series- First one was good, the second two moved from "bad" to "wow, you're really pissing me off Author Person"

Clan of the Cave Bear- Good

Valley of the Horses- Good until Ayla and Jondalar met. They things proceeded into comically bad.

Factotum- An appropriate end for the characters, but not a very satisfying one. These are characters I will miss a lot now that the series is done.

Still reading:

The Mammoth Hunters - barely started

Well of Darkness- I picked it up expecting it to be terrible generic fantasy, but it's surprisingly engaging. I am actually looking forward to seeing plot events unfold.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Old today's total wasn't so great, but new today looks like a good one.

Today's total: 491

Total to date: 834/50000

Phases Written: 0